Friday, September 28, 2007

Sara Evans Divorce Granted: Now We Can All Go Take a Shower

Just go this official word regarding the Sara Evans/Craig Schelske divorce, via a publicist at SonyBMG:
"The parties have agreed that it is in their best interests and those of their children to amicably resolve all issues in their pending divorce. Each wishes the other well in all future endeavors. Both parties are fully committed to raising their children in a cooperative and positive way. Both parties are loving and caring parents. They request that everyone respect the family’s privacy. The parties will have no further comment regarding any allegations of fault or misconduct alleged by either party in these divorce proceedings."
It came with a note saying "the statement filed in court today" would be "the only statement issued." To which I can only reply, "Thank goodness!" Since neither side in these proceedings seemed to have any compunctions about laying out their seamiest suspicions in front of the public before, it's about time they both learned to keep a lid on it. But the real kicker to me, is this sentence from the statement: "They request that everyone respect the family's privacy." You have to ask yourself: "Why in the world should anybody else respect their privacy when Sara and Craig clearly had so little respect for it themselves?"

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